Answering your frequently asked questions

  • In order to show brands impact and achieve long-term success, we work with brands in partnership over a longer period of time. This enables us to build up a good working understanding/chemistry. We like to get involved at the start of a planned piece of brand work, help the brand operationalise how to position, frame and achieve success and then test impact evidence.

  • We work in partnership with brands for a minimum of 1 year. On average it’s 3 years+.

    For new clients we can start on a pilot basis to test out if both parties want to work together long-term after having gone through an initial piece of work.

  • We work with businesses that want to achieve real impact, want to innovate and offer positive experiences and emotional value for both their employee’s and their clients/customers.

How we work

About Consumer Behaviour

  • Behavioral economics studies the effects of psychological, cognitive, emotional, cultural and social factors on the decisions of individuals and institutions and how those decisions vary from those implied by classical economic theory.

  • Consumer behaviour can be influenced by knowing what drives them on the nonconscious level and what is really meaningful to them.

    Once knowing that strategies and solutions can be developed that can lead to changes in consumer behaviour.

  • Customers can be retained by truly knowing what their non-conscious needs are and how they want these to be met - when then helps digital, marketing and brand communications frame and position itself against these ‘real’ points of engagement

  • A successful customer experience is when a customer’s needs have been fulfilled through a good experience.

  • Simply said, we have different needs and our non-conscious is guiding our decisions to meet those needs. These needs can be purely for survival such as eating but also emotional such as feeling secure, comfortable, appreciated etc.

  • By understanding employees’ fears about the change and how the change can still meet their needs.

About Brand Strategy

  • Behavioural science studies people’s behaviour and the influences on it. It takes into consideration multiple disciplines such as social, cultural, cognitive and evolutionary psychology, as well as anthropology, sociology and ethnology.

  • A curious and open mind!

    Scientific and non-conscious data first and foremost so that what we work with clients on next is based on a real and rigorous foundation.

    A client team that is willing to embrace change & create positive impact for its internals and external audiences

  • Consumer insights should be the foundation of any strategy. If we don’t know what really matters to the target audience and what they need, strategies won’t succeed.

  • Taking care of customer experience is crucial nowadays as companies are increasingly struggle to compete solely on a product/service offering level. The experience they deliver can make the difference.

    Ultimately, human beings remember brands due to the emotional experience they had with them and not solely because of a product/service they bought.

  • Is a combination of marketing, digital, sales, and customer service strategies to manage customer expectation, satisfaction, and experience.

About our Technology

  • Emotix is not a questionnaire, it presents people images and words representing brands, characteristics, characteristics and emotions and they are asked to quickly click on a tick or a cross that indicates their level of agreement.. Responses are analysed in terms of frequency of response and strength of association.

    For more information head to our Toolbox page.

  • Customer perceptions can be changed by differently communicating, positioning, marketing and contrasting the offering.

    However, for long-term value perception changes, the offering ultimately needs to meet customers’ needs.